A reference for TV shows I think should be added to your viewing schedule. They aren't all great, but they are all worth your time!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

"Spin-off", Want some real reality TV?

Disclaimer: Some names have been changed to protect the privacy of those individuals involved.

So everyone thinks that all these new reality shows are the newest craze on TV, but I beg to differ. I know, I know, there’s nothing better than watching a buck o’ five sorority chic drink a gallon of a zebra’s intestinal fluid/lemur eyes/squirrel toe-nail clippings (just for a little crunch) concoction or that father of 4 that had to send his children to the crazy uncles for 3 months so he could live on an island just to get kicked off right before the grand prize. We tune in ever week, just to check up and see how our favorite person is doing, but why? Next season it will be someone new, drinking a new concoction, on a different island…

And here’s my point: Baseball. Baseball is the ultimate reality show. We, well at least myself, are all invested in this program a little bit more than any other reality show. We grew up on that same “island” where they play, we’re the little “extras” that can influence who gets that “immunity idol” at the end of the game (I can totally plug in a little “Why the hell aren’t the games sold out down there?” right now, but I won’t!), and most of all, we’ve seen these characters grow over years before our eyes and they'll be around for the next season. I know 162 episodes is a lot to catch, its like trying to watch every 90210 re-run on the soap network every afternoon, its just not gonna happen. (Yes, I am one of the little people, a Non-Tivoian.) But this time of year is when even the most casual of fans should be tuning in, everything is elevated and everything is more dramatic. There’s no producer to make you see it “their way”, however, the commentators would love if you would, but that just gives us the guy(s) on the show to despise. Every swing could mean an entire change of the “game plan” and even the little weird looking kid could be the hero, you just never know…

I know Queen, sports were not going to be part of you TV insight, but its hard to overlook this ultimate reality show that is playing out right in front of us… not to mention NASCAR in its championship and football just getting under way… I apologize, I am slacking on all the new premiers, but it’s a great time of year for reality!!!

And if that still doesn’t meet your approval, look at the match ups we have going on:

-Drew Lachey (the little brother of Nick, that nobody really paid attention too growing up down by the river, but came up with the right moves at the right time)


-Omarosa (the overconfident bitch, that is just slightly less obnoxious than Donald Yankee, err Trump)


-Rupert (that lovable old tie-dyed shirt wearing guy, with an obvious love for that Rocky Mountain high)


-Magda (that wrinkly, sun soaked old lady in “Something about Mary”, thats it)


1 comment:

Queen LaTivo said...

CTownFan, I doubt there is anyone who can hold a candle to your sports watching prowess! And you do it all without tivo...granted your monthly tab at sports bars may be enough to cover that tivo bill-but, like drinking, its not the best idea to watch TV alone!

BTW, the Queen watched last night's BofA 500 on tivo this morning...4 1/2 hours of coverage viewed in fast forward was done in 1 1/2...and Carl Edwards is moving up in the standings and closing in on your man Tony!