A reference for TV shows I think should be added to your viewing schedule. They aren't all great, but they are all worth your time!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Episode 10, "That's What She Said"

This blog is inspired by those folks I've been talking with about TV:

"Maybe he should be paired with a man." That's what the King said about the complete lack of chemistry between Cameron (Soap Opera Star) and his professional partner Edyta (who is destined never to win) after watching their Tango last night on Dancing with the Stars, ABC.

"The unfortunate thing is you are waiting for an event to happen which, for the longevity of the show, you hope never happens." That's what MCO said about the plots of shows like Life, NBC, & Dirty Sexy Money, ABC, which are based upon an intriguing mystery which, once solved, takes away the appeal of the show.

"Sometimes its a bit gory." That's what a co-worker said about the season premier of Criminal Minds, CBS, where there was a quite a bit of blood splatter in Gideon's flashbacks, the college campus and then in the second episode where women had their hearts chiseled out! Spoiler alert: they caught the bad guys (ok, not really a spoiler, cuz you knew that would happen!)

"You don't watch?!" That's what ASG said to the Queen about House, Fox, when commenting on how House, like Christina Yang, referred to his job applicants as numbers. The humor, that I'm told ensued, in that episode may be enough to convince the Queen to add House back to my season pass list.

"They must have blown the CGI budget on, uhm, I don't know what" That's what the Queen said about last night's episode of Heroes, NBC, after observing a steady decline in the special effects this season...or maybe they just don't seem as special without George Takai.

The Queen, and several others, have spoken!

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