A reference for TV shows I think should be added to your viewing schedule. They aren't all great, but they are all worth your time!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Episode 7, Its Finally Here!

No, not Christmas...Premier Week! Of course a few shows tried to get a head start last week in hopes they'd set the hook deep so you don't switch to the meatier shows this week. Here's what I've been watching over the past few days:

Back to You, Fox, was not so hot in the series premier last week. In the first episode the writers left no stone unturned when it came to looking up old, stale jokes. If that's not enough to disappoint you, they also left nothing to the imagination when it comes to character development (Kelsey left town 10 years ago after a night of steamy sex with Patricia-she now has a 10 year old daughter-in the last minute of the show they actually told us that Kelsey's the dad-just in case we were too stupefied by the lame jokes to have figured it out.) I'm not sure how much longer this show will last on my season pass, or on the air.

Kid Nation, CBS, took the top spot away from Back to You when it came to settling the quadruple conflict dilemma. I love kids when I can fast forward through their most annoying moments (I think even most parents would agree with me on that one) and watch only the truly amazing accomplishments (namely 8 years old making biscuits without a recipe-how'd they do it?!) This show isn't getting promoted on my season pass list, but isn't getting deleted either.

Heroes, NBC, is back! How I missed the characters and after tonight's season premier i can't wait until next week to get my fix! Spoiler Alert (for the rest of the paragraph): George Takei is (dare I say was?) wonderful for Heroes, but who was it that killed him? Sylar? One of the best scenes was the "Butler" family having a nice, normal dinner around the table-full of spirited conversation-just like the rest of America! See how boring our lives are?! Makes you want some super powers even more now, doesn't it?! Huh? You know you want them...yes, I'm talking about you! (subject for an upcoming blog will be what super-powers you want and why, so give it careful consideration starting now) Question for the more diligent viewers out there: Is Nathan Petrelli really Sylar? Is that what his burned reflection in the mirror at the bar was supposed to be revealing?

Prison Break, Fox, had its second episode of the season tonight and *spoiler alert* after the exploding plastic bag of moonshine with a 20 foot long wick made of bed sheets all I can say is: I called it! Scofield is MacGuyver in a Panamanian prison!

I'll be checking out Journeyman's premier on NBC later in the week (or over the weekend.) After a bit of Monday Night Football, I just didn't have the time to fit it in tonight. And speaking (briefly) of sports-Go Carl Edwards! If you've never given NASCAR a try, I urge you to do so now. There are less than 20 points separating 1st place from 6th with only 8 races left! I'm rooting for Edwards to have minimal penalties for the failed post race inspection (which doesn't appear to be intentionally caused at all) and to win both the Busch and Nextel Cup Championships!

The Queen has spoken!

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