A reference for TV shows I think should be added to your viewing schedule. They aren't all great, but they are all worth your time!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Episode 4, Loser: Thy Name is Amber

Well folks, here we have it: the real premier of the fall season! Being one of the first shows to air this year, The Biggest Loser (Tuesdays on NBC) has found itself subject of a blog. I’ll cover three topics briefly: why you should watch this show, who I think will win (and lose) and what I like about the format.

Why you should watch The Biggest Loser: When I first heard of this show several seasons ago, I thought it was a horrible excuse for a show to exploit and humiliate fat people across America—but I was wrong and that is precisely why you should be watching. I find The Biggest Loser to be one of the most inspirational, emotional, compelling and motivational shows on TV today. For the most part, the contestants are there to actually change their lives (and life expectancy) for the better. For some it is an unbelievable emotional struggle (Lezlie, the Katrina hurricane survivor who sometimes wishes the storm took her “along with the house”), for some the inspiration they provide is unfathomable (Wylie, from last year, sharing his new-found passion for fitness with mentally challenged children) and the motivation this gives to us all to make an attainable change in our lifestyles for the better (did you know cutting out one soda a day saves 8 pounds of calories a year!) Watch a few episodes and you’ll be amazed at how much you believe in yourself and your ability to make an impact on your health as well as others! OK, I’m not a motivational speaker, so enough of the sappiness and onto the good stuff…

Who do I think will win (and lose): These are the picks I made as I watched the first episode and got to know a bit about each of our contestants…I reserve the right to update my picks throughout the season!

Potential winners:

1) Bryan (Red Team): he appears to be a high school music teacher and thinks he’s a handsome man if he loses the weight. I have to get behind someone with self-confidence and reassurance like that!

2) Amy (Red Team): ok, maybe she won’t win, but this first grade teacher has beautiful eyes that should be complimented by a beautiful and fit figure!

3) Kae (Blue Team): former Army private…I hope she does us all proud and is able to keep the weight off long term!

4) Neil (Blue Team): He got below 400 pounds after the first week (started at 422)…dig inside you, chemical engineer you, and figure out how to make the calories work for you!

5) Jerry (Blue Team): I honestly though his metabolism was against him from the start, but this 62 year-old has proved otherwise! Spoiler alert! He came in first in the initial race across to the desert to become captain of the blue team AND lost 31 pounds in the first week…more than any other contestant lost in any one week in any other season! Way to go Gramps!

Won’t keep the weight off:

1) Hollie (Black Team): cheerleading coach, just seems like a quitter who finds it easy to justify her weight since she works in an athletic environment

2) Patty (Blue Team): spoiler alert! this chick lost 13 pounds in the first week…great progress, but I question her ability to maintain

3) Amber (Red Team): don’t finish the first task dead last, then not complete the workout, then say you want to quit. Spoiler alert! She was voted off the first episode…but did lose 65 pounds after leaving the show!

4) David (Red Team): this poor guys has 4 boobs (that is not a good thing, in case you are wondering)…he lost a lot of weight week 1 (20 pounds I think), but will need significant changes to keep it off…I hope he does!!!

Best part of the format:
In The Biggest Loser, even the elimination is inspirational. The other contestants say nice things like “I think this person is a beautiful person and will achieve great things” and then the producers show us how the loser has progressed since they left the show. As I mentioned before, this week’s loser, Amber, lost 65 pounds since coming on the show, down 10 sizes to an 18…and she hopes to be down to a size 10 for the finale!

The Queen has spoken!


ASG said...

Queen - has the Biggest Loser inspired you after one episode to a)increase your calcium intake to avoid early onset osteoperosis, b) increase your H2O intake to avoid the cost of kidney failure, c) purchase a home cardio device so you can be performing exercise you should be doing while you are watching TV we should be watching, or d) focus more heavily on the upcoming season openers to determine if Carpoolers has the moxy to de-thrown The Office as the yuppie/cubical dweller comedy of the season?

Queen LaTivo said...

Oh, ASG, don't underestimate the Queen! Of course D is the correct answer to your quiz...however the Biggest Loser has inspired options not listed on your multiple choice exam, including: purchasing low-fat cream cheese (i think that has calcium too!), buying a new pair of tennis shoes last year and drinking light beer when given the opportunity (I'm sure the brands aren't your favorites, but they do come in bottles!) ...to all the readers out there check out ASG's blog on BEER!