A reference for TV shows I think should be added to your viewing schedule. They aren't all great, but they are all worth your time!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Episode 3, What I'm watching now

Before I begin, I want to thank you for all the comments and suggestions of additional shows to watch. I’ll take some into consideration (Rescue Me), some I already tivo (Scrubs) and some are past their prime (they will remain nameless-if you enjoy them, keep enjoying them!) It appears to me we’ll have plenty to debate once the fall season is underway!

Secondly, I don’t want you to think I don’t enjoy the NFL and am blogging during the season opener without regret. At this point, the game is a run-away, the King’s fantasy team is up 29-3 and I’m getting live updates on the internet. So, no regrets for blogging now.

I wanted to pay homage to one of the shows I’m watching now and I highly recommend to mystery, sci-fi and drama show fanatics: The 4400 (Sundays on USA.) For those of you unfamiliar with this show, now in its 4th season, I’ll provide a quick synopsis. 4,400 people were abducted over the past 80 years (or so) by the future human race and returned to the present time all at once somewhere outside of Seattle. While they were gone they were each given some sort of special power (seeing the future, telekinesis, purifying polluted environments: just to name a few) that was intended to help them save the world. Over the course of the past seasons the regular humans have seen/see the 4400 as a threat and put government agencies in place to monitor them, the 4400s have divided into factions with different ideals/purposes and the government has both taken action against and exploited the 4400.

We are now nearing the end of season 4 and regular humans have also been given the opportunity to gain special powers by taking a shot of Promicin (with a ~50% mortality rate), one of the 4400s is running for Seattle public office, another has founded Promise City where 4400s live in some sort of US government-free but militia-cult-like section of Seattle and a top ranked member of the government monitoring agency (called NTAC) is possessed by a member of the future human race with unclear scruples. It is clear things will come to a head as this season closes out and we start to figure out who is good (the 4400s who want to spread special powers across the world at any cost of human life, those that want to give powers to those most likely to survive or the government) and who isn’t.

The 4400 is a successful summer drama (keyword being summer) because it has a creative storyline, competent actors, and believable special effects, but struggles a bit with the script. Check it out: the first 3 seasons are available on DVD.

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