A reference for TV shows I think should be added to your viewing schedule. They aren't all great, but they are all worth your time!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Episode 12, Watching TV: The Mini-Series

A question has been raised: How is it possible that the Queen is able to watch 50 hours of TV a week? There have been some that have tried multi-variate analysis to find the answer, others have spent hours of their precious work day studying the TV Guide and still others have tried to call tivo and get a download of the Queen's viewing history for "market research." To answer the question posed by millions (ok, maybe just equal to the number of viewers that Viva Laughlin had), I've decided to journal my TV watching for the next week: Monday to Sunday.

The truth will be told and you will find out how many hours of programming I watch on an average week...and how I do it!

Get your votes in now (notice I've added a voting option this week!) I've set the over-under at 50 hours. In a week's time potentially valuable prizes will be awarded to the winners!

The Queen has spoken!


MCO said...

I am quite impressed. You'll have to show me how to add polls to my blog.

Good work.

Anonymous said...

Well written article.