A reference for TV shows I think should be added to your viewing schedule. They aren't all great, but they are all worth your time!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Pilot Episode, er, Post

After years of consideration and near constant pleading from my friends, I've finally set up my TV blog. This is a place for talking about TV: what shows are good, what shows are bad and what shows you should be watching that you aren't.

For those who don't know me, I am an average (ok, exceptional) TV viewer, meaning that I have a real job which doesn't involve TV at all. I don't get paid to write about certain shows or networks, I don't get or look for advance screenings of shows and I don't proclaim to know a bunch of TV trivia. I am simply a TV viewer. I watch about 50 hours of programming a week, almost all of it has been tivo-ed so i rarely watch commercials. I am a big fan of reality shows, cop & hospital dramas and sitcoms. By no means is my viewing limited to those genres: I'll watch pretty much any show at least once!

A couple of "rules" about my blog for those who wish to contribute and post comments:
1) Movies are not TV-I won't talk about them and neither should you. (Made for TV movies are exempt from this rule.)
2) I have a Tivo, 2 actually. I refer to tivo in the genericized sense: if you record something, I don't care if you do it on a Tivo, DVR, VCR, BETA or with a video camera pointed at your screen. What ever the case, I applaud you for trying to manage your TV viewing schedule.
3) I live in Arizona. This means I get shows on some crazy mix of timezones, some east coast (Food Network & HBO), some west coast (HBOWest, Fox) and some central (local channels). Also we don't celebrate daylight savings time in AZ. So please don't ask me what time a show is on.
4) Sports and News are TV, however they will rarely be the topic of a blog.
5) I enjoy watching TV. I want you to enjoy it too. I don't care if you only watch an hour of TV a week, get two channels though a foil wrapped antenna, or have a 17 inch B&W screen. I want the time spent in front of your TV to be enjoyable, so ask questions and make suggestions that will improve everyone's TV time.

Coming up next week: The fall line-up! Get ready to update your tivos, move your workout schedule around and stop walking the dog after 7pm once I unveil what you should (and shouldn't) be watching!

The Queen has spoken